International Journal of Academic Library and Information Science
Vol. 13(1), pp. 32 --38 February, 2025.
ISSN: 2360-7858
Full Length Research
Effects and Impacts of Archival Documents in Solving the Nigerian Contemporary Covid’19 Problems
1Olalekan S.Ola and 2Aminu U. Momoh
1Auchi Polytechnic Library, Auchi, Edo State, Department of Library and Information Science. 2Department of Library and Information Science, Auchi Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State-Nigeria. E-mail:
Corresponding author’s E-mail:
Accepted 11 February 2025
Abstract |
Archival Documents have invaluable effects and impacts in solving contemporary problems in view of the Covid’19 Pandemic. An extra-ordinary outbreak of coronavirus which started in China in December, 2019 rapidly spread to other parts of the world of which Nigeria is not an exception. The virus made its way into the shoreline of Nigeria on the 27th February by an ill Italian to Lagos. This article looked at the effects and impacts of archival documents in solving contemporary problems in Nigerian society: an overview of covid’19 pandemic. It went further to explore the concept of archives, archival mandates & responsibilities, and brief history of the coronavirus was given. It also examined the history of COVID’19 in Nigeria; some of the characteristics of the coronavirus, and in addition examined the effects and impacts of archival documents in solving Nigerian contemporary problems. The study concluded that while Nigeria was able to successfully curtail the outbreak by leveraging on existing archival materials available based on local capacity, critical improvements are still needed to strengthen early warning systems and rapid response capabilities within our health sector in preparation for any future re-introduction of any viruses to the country. The researchers recommended that the health sector in Nigeria should be more cognizant of proper preservation of the archival records in their disposal for the good of all because ‘health is wealth’ as they say
Keywords: effects and impacts, archival documents, COVID’19
Cite This Article As: Ola O. S. and Momoh A. U. (2025). Effects and Impacts of Archival Documents in Solving the Nigerian Contemporary Covid’19 Problems. Inter. J. Acad. Lib. Info. Sci. 13(1): 32-38 | |